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What We Treat

Patients with hypermobility 

Whether you have been diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder or just notice your joints are extra mobile, working with a PT can help improve and maintain your joint health. Learning proper movement patterns and creating active stability can decrease pain and improve function, allowing you to do the activities you love.​

Female Gymnast on Balance Beam


We specialize in treating gymnasts of all levels. The owner of Perfect Ten PT competed in gymnastics at the collegiate level and truly understands what it takes to train and compete at high levels. We specialize in a step by step return to training when dealing with an injury right down to the number of repetitions of a specific skill to complete on each training day. 

Girl Doing Push-Ups

Active Adults

Whether you are trying to run a marathon, or just trying to run the carpool on time, chances are you have some aches and pains from time to time. Stop in or call to see our unique approach to combining rehab and strength training to get you feeling your best everyday. 

Soccer Players

Other athletes

Whether you or your child is a diver, cheerleader, dancer, soccer player, or football player we scale treatment and rehab to our patients needs, allowing them to participate as much as possible in practices and games while supplementing with rehab, bridging the gap between the bench and the field as efficiently as possible. 

Pregnancy Yoga

Pelvic health

Our pelvic floor affects a lot - including your lower back, hips, urinary function, sexual function and more. Getting a pelvic floor assessment and treatment can be paramount in figuring out the above problems and more. We strive to make pelvic floor assessment and treatment as comfortable and effective as possible. 

What We Believe
Perfect Ten Physical Therapy was founded on several core beliefs, and we feel it important to share those beliefs with our community 
  • We believe that when you "go to physical therapy" you should see the same therapist, every treatment, for the entire treatment

  • We believe when you are using your time and money to see a physical therapist, you shouldn't be "put on a machine" for most of the treatment, and only see the therapist for a few minutes

  • We believe that injuries don't mean you need to stop moving, just that you need to modify how and how much you are

  • We believe that graded movement is often the best way to feel better

  • We believe in involving patients in treatment decisions, no matter their age

  • We believe in keeping insurance companies out of treatment decisions

  • We believe in encouraging patients to speak up about how they feel, to parents, coaches, therapists, trainers, doctors, teachers, etc

  • We believe in explaining all evaluation findings and treatment techniques used to the patient, family, and anyone else the patient wants to inform

  • We believe in looking at the entire body and all systems and their role in injury and healing

What Makes Us Unique

Here at Perfect Ten, we take a whole body approach when evaluating and treating you. We look to get to the root cause of your problems, then teach you how to improve and maintain your physical health to not only reach your goals but to exceed them. We work one on one to feel better in the short term and the long term, by giving you the tools to manage your bodies needs, and keep you ready for whatever life has in store. 

Rapid Recovery

Here at Perfect Ten we believe recovery is the key to performance. While recovery may look different for everyone, something everyone can benefit from is a session in our Normatec Recovery boots. Schedule a session today!

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